Young Onset Dementia Walking Group / Grŵp Cerdded Dementia Young Onset

for participants
for carers

Cardiff and Vale UHB have an established Young Onset Dementia Service that meets regularly, providing different activities and support for anyone who receives a diagnosis of a progressive dementia before the age of 65.

Every month on a Friday, the group meets for a walk in a different location in Cardiff and St Fagans National Museum of History is really pleased to have become one of those locations. Learning staff meet with the group four times a year to take a seasonal walk around the site. We look at nature, animals, how the seasons are changing and of course the historic buildings and collection. After our walk we get together for a cup of tea and a biscuit and have a chat.

Mae gan UHB Caerdydd a Fro Wasanaeth Dementia Onset Ifanc sefydledig sy'n cyfarfod yn rheolaidd, gan ddarparu gwahanol weithgareddau a chefnogaeth i unrhyw un sy'n derbyn diagnosis o ddementia cynyddol cyn 65 oed.

Bob mis ar ddydd Gwener, mae'r grŵp yn cwrdd am dro mewn lleoliad gwahanol yng Nghaerdydd ac mae Amgueddfa Hanes Genedlaethol St Fagans yn falch iawn o fod wedi dod yn un o'r lleoliadau hynny. Mae staff dysgu yn cwrdd â'r grŵp bedair gwaith y flwyddyn i fynd am dro tymhorol o amgylch y safle. Edrychwn ar natur, anifeiliaid, sut mae'r tymhorau'n newid ac wrth gwrs yr adeiladau a'r casgliad hanesyddol. Ar ôl ein taith gerdded rydyn ni'n dod at ein gilydd i gael paned a bisged a chael sgwrs.

Verified in-person event
Young onset Outdoor Arts Walking

Contact details

Sharon Ford, Learning Officer

0300 111 2 333

Event address

St Fagans National Museum of History
Cardiff CF5 6XB, UK
In-person verified

Transport options: