Memory Arts Café

Every Wednesday
01:45 PM – 03:00 PM
for participants
for carers

Join us on Zoom Wednesdays at 1.45pm for a cup of tea and informal chat, followed at 2pm by an hour of fun filled with music, singing, poetry, craft, and all things theatre-related!

Every Wednesday Theatr Clwyd in North Wales will be running their Memory Arts Café online via zoom. However this is not your run of the mill café; this café will have you dancing, moving, singing and even performing poetry. Any thing is possible as we dive into the world of theatre. If you'd like an hour of fun and creativity then please feel free to join us. All sessions are free of charge and designed specifically for people living with dementia and their friends and family.
Care homes are welcome, as are family and friends.

The dates are as follows:

7, 14, 21, 28 Oct
4, 11, 18, 25 Nov
2, 9, 16, 23 Dec

You can sign up to attend via the Theatr Clwyd website.

Event has remote access
Dementia friendly Early stage Moderate dementia Dance Dance & Movement Drama & Poetry Singing Theatre

Event address

Online Event
Raikes Lane, Mold CH7 1YA, UK
Event has remote access

Transport options: