Limelight 55+ Theatre Group

for participants
for carers

Newcastle Theatre Royal’s Limelight group is intended for over 55s and offers activities three or four days a week for its members.

  • Ensemble:
    If you fancy stepping into the Limelight, why not join the ensemble. This amateur theatre group meets on Wednesdays to learn acting skills and technique, work on texts and devise its own new work before performing to audiences in the Studio Theatre.
  • Day in the Life of …
    These friendly, informal sessions are held in the auditorium before matinee performances. They give members the opportunity to ask questions of guests from visiting production companies. You’ll see a variety of guests from the main star, to the company manager. They share anecdotes and tales of their time on the current production, as well as from their careers and lives.
  • Script Reading
    The Theatre Royal’s Limelight reading group meets on Tuesday mornings. Members read a variety of texts both classical and new, and there are opportunities to read pieces of new writing and provide feedback on the work.
  • Away Days
    Away days give members the opportunity to take part in activities and explore other cultural venues within the city. Whether it is art at the Baltic or singing at the Sage , there’s something for everyone within our calendar.

Theatre Royal’s Limelight group costs just £40 for a year’s membership.

To join Limelight please contact the Box Office on 08448 11 21 21

For further information, please contact the Learning team on 0191 244 2513 or email

Due to COVID-19, physical activities are currently on pause, please visit the website or contact the theatre directly for more information.

Arts 4 brain health Drama & Poetry Heritage & Visual Arts Theatre

Event address

Theatre Royal Newcastle Upon Tyne
Grey Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6BR, UK

Transport options: