
Every Thursday
10:45 AM – 12:15 PM
for participants
for carers

Cwmni65 - for ages 65+
Thursdays | 21 Jan - 25 Mar 2021

Explore your own creativity and learn about theatre making with the Theatr Clwyd team of talented artists and workshop leaders.

Expect to try lots of different experiences – from acting and dance, to music and script work, maybe even get behind the scenes. You’ll learn new skills, share stories, laugh and make new friends.

Pay what you can (minimum £20)

Gofrestr65 - ar gyfer 65+
oed Dydd Iau | 21 Ion - 25 Mawrth 2021

Archwiliwch eich creadigrwydd eich hun a dysgwch am wneud theatr gyda thîm Theatr Clwyd o artistiaid talentog ac arweinwyr gweithdai.

Disgwyl rhoi cynnig ar lawer o wahanol brofiadau - o actio a dawnsio, i gerddoriaeth a gwaith sgript, efallai hyd yn oed fynd y tu ôl i'r llenni. Byddwch chi'n dysgu sgiliau newydd, yn rhannu straeon, yn chwerthin ac yn gwneud ffrindiau newydd.

Talwch yr hyn a allwch (lleiafswm o £ 20)

Event has remote access
Arts 4 brain health Drama & Poetry Theatre

Contact details

Theatr Clwyd

01352 344101

Event address

Theatr Clwyd
Mold CH7 1YA, UK
Event has remote access

Transport options: