Creative workshop: Summer at the Wallace collection

Thursday, 18 August 2022
02:00 PM – 04:00 PM
for participants
for carers

Join artist Luisa Rivera for a dementia friendly creative workshop, exploring the theme of summer picnics in parks in the Collection. The session will start with a tour of the Collection, followed by a creative session in the studio using watercolours. You are welcome to bring a photograph of your favourite park to take inspiration from if you wish, or just be inspired by a Wallace Collection painting instead! Tea and coffee will be provided. Join us for a relaxed afternoon at the Wallace Collection.

Verified in-person event
Arts 4 brain health Dementia friendly Early stage Moderate dementia Young onset Heritage & Visual Arts Visual Arts

Event address

The Wallace Collection
London W1U 3BN, UK
In-person verified

Transport options: Buses, Underground, Rail, Disabled parking