Corporate Engagement
We welcome engagement with companies and other organisations who share our aims and values. We want to return at least as much value to you as the support that you give us. We generate value for society, we aim to inspire and engage your staff and enable them to take pride in the impact of their support on the wellbeing of those living with early-stage dementia and their carers.
Our values
- Arts 4 Dementia believes that people living with dementia and carers have the right to a fulfilling, stimulating life and works to make available high-quality, inspirational arts opportunities as cognitive rehabilitation, to restore fulfilling social life with others in the community.
- Activities offered are respectful and challenging, focusing on participants’ potential.
- We will go the extra step to assure that our workshops and activities offered by those we train are available to and utilised by diverse communities.
- Our own arts workshops are offered free of charge.
Volunteering opportunities for your staff
We welcome assistance from volunteers, ideally on a regular basis. This can involve:
- Assistance on social media
- Researching arts events for dementia offered around the UK
- Researching trusts and foundations for fundraising applications.
- Database assistance
In normal times, we welcome volunteers who can assist at a workshop one morning a week on an eight-week arts programme.
We are pleased to offer regular volunteers training at one of our regular Early-Stage Dementia Awareness Training for Arts Organisations sessions, currently delivered online via Zoom (subject to availability).
Impact on the community
- We work with arts and heritage organisations including museums, galleries, theatres, opera houses and community centres to deliver “seed initiative” arts programmes to engage and inspire people with early stage dementia and carers, aiming to include participants who might not otherwise access such opportunities.
- The workshops enable participants to learn new skills or revive old ones, boost confidence, give a sense of exercising their brains and fighting back against the illness – and to have a great time.
- Carers benefit from a shared joyful experience with those for whom they care and seeing them flourish.
- The seed inititaive programmes are frequently continued by the host organisations beyond our involvement so multiplying the benefit.
- We also train arts facilitators who deliver their own events and workshops for people with dementia. The 800+ trained to date (in normal times) reach 15,000 people affected by dementia each year.
- We research and signpost arts workshops and events for dementia UK-wide so that people looking for artistic stimulation can find opportunities nearby.
- We are leading a national campaign for Social Prescribing for Dementia, so that on diagnosis, many of the 225,000 diagnosed annually may be encouraged towards arts engagement as a means to personal fulfillment and to preserve cognitive function. (Our arts events listings form a key resource for social prescribers.)
- You can see the impact of our workshops on people affected by dementia, carers and volunteers in this recent video.
See the impact of your support
- Our Corporate supporters are welcome to join the final shared sessions of our workshop programmes and to attend occasional talks and supporter events.
- We are fortunate to be supported by Livery Companies and may have the opportunity to offer a sponsored reception for donors and your clients in a Livery Hall, possibly The Goldsmiths’ Hall.
- We are pleased to offer branding opportunities as appropriate.
Current and previous corporate supporters include:
- Besso Limited
- Canonbury Business Centre
- Co-op Community Causes
- Ecclesiastical Insurance
- HCR Law
- Reed Elsevier plc (now RELX)
- Seventeen Group
You can see our funders here.