Creative Age with Mani Kambo

Every Wednesday
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
for participants
for carers

Mani Kambo's workshops will invoke stories inspired by the Hatton's historical function as a medical facility during WW1. Mani will draw upon objects from the Hatton's exhibitions and collections, exploring through (un)common rituals, text and language the ways in which myth can manifest or 'inhabit' objects or places.

Creative age is a dementia-friendly creative programme offering older people living with dementia, their families and carers, and those with long-term health conditions, the opportunity to take part in lively and supportive creative sessions led by artists and gallery staff.

The Hatton is full accessible for wheelchair users. If you have any specific access requirements please contact Zoe Allen, or 0191 277 8893.

For more information, please visit

Event address

Hatton Gallery
King's Road, Newscastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU

Transport options: